Welcome to another Summer Imaginarium Issue
We are in the last month of the summer and soon we will start organizing our lives for the autumn and the upcoming winter. For many of us, August is a month of vacation and rest as the temperature in many parts of the world is rising excessively. September, however, is for all of us an organizing month with many new beginnings. So, therefore, our themes are based on the philosophy of both months; on the one hand, there are summer themes where we relax and explore the sea and other summer delights, and on the other hand, there are topics that help us to better organize the Virgo season. Alice Carter-Jones has prepared an excellent article on how to ''Take stock this Virgo season''.
In this issue, we enjoy the sea, mermaids, and the magical photographer Claudya from Germany. Evangelia Papanikou has prepared a brilliant article about the primordial monsters of Greek mythology.
This August we grab our brooms and we fly to the Archaeological sites of Greece to find out how we could 'Purge and Rejuvenate in an archaeological site'.
We welcome Lucy Pearce by Womancraft Publishing with her new book She of the Sea. Lucy tells us all about her excellent work as well as her book in our interview.
In this issue, we also welcome Alessandra from Tuscany and her Dark Food Tales; Jeannine Wilkerling and her mermaid shop.
As always we feature original poetry, myths and legends, herbs, lessons, and we organize our lunar months with the guidance of the Moon.
It goes without saying...we are celebrating Lammas, the Sabbath of Abundance!
In our classrooms we will learn about The Star and the Moon of Tarot, Pluto, the Big dwarf-planet of astrology, and Egyptian Astrology- what's your Egyptian Sign and Ruler?
All the above and many more in this magical summer Imaginarium Magazine.