Are you a fantasy photographer, a magical artist, an astrologer, a modern witch, or an enchanting writer? Would you like to see your work published? Submit your work!
Before submitting your work, please ensure that you have included your submission type (photography, article, poetry, e.t.c)
If your submission has images, please send them through WETRANSFER. Add any notes, that you find relative.
Photography needs to be of good resolution but not too large as a file.
Unfortunately, we do not accept very dark concepts or erotic photography.
We celebrate everything magical, mystical, and enchanting in the world. We are happy to feature your magic!
After your submission, we will be in contact with you shortly via email.
The content of each issue is chosen primarily, based on each season.
If you have any ideas, or you would to discuss a future feature, please contact Anastasia Diakidi on imaginarium.magazine.13@gmail.com
Material up to 1500 words is preferred, although submissions exceeding this total, will be considered.
For photo material, generally, we use up to 10 photos, but feel free to send more, so we could choose what is best for the issue's layout.
Please, proofread before submission.
We are happy to feature work from all over the world, so if English is not your first language, and help with the translation or editing is needed, do not hesitate to contact us.
Please do not include articles or material that has been published before.
Academic researches regarding forbidden/obscure history, herbology, anthropology, folklore, or archaeology are welcome.
If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us and ask questions.
General Guidelines